
Posts Tagged ‘Humour’

The Gods Told Me to Do It

January 10th, 2014 No comments
The Assembly of Gods - Jacopo Zucchi

The Assembly of Gods – Jacopo Zucchi

I’m embarrassed to admit that it took me this long to peck out this gem of a site on the Interweb.  Lord <insert deity of choice> knows that this resource would have come in handy during my tenure as a university student enrolled in a religion program.

I was always coming across the most interesting cast of characters in the various mythologies I was studying.   During my introduction to Hinduism – one of the world’s largest religions – I was simultaneously delighted and bewildered by the ripe pantheon of deities woven into rich mythologies.  Of course Hinduism is just one of many religions over the course of human history to host a cornucopia of characters and beguiling lore.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an encyclopedia of deities? You know, something that you could quickly refer to when some obscure deity happened to make an appearance in some ancient parable? Some God (or more likely Goddess) must have heard my call because lo and behold Godchecker appeared!  A chorus of Sirens sang as my browser loaded a glorious page that proclaimed:  “Our Mythology Encyclopedia features over 3,700 weird and wonderful Supreme Beings, Demons, Spirits and Fabulous Beasts from all over the world. Explore ancient legends and folklore, and discover Gods of everything from Fertility to Fluff with Godchecker…”

It’s a fun and informative site that provides cleverly written mythologies of practically any deity you can (or can’t) think of.  So, if you’re like me and enjoy stories and myths from some of the world’s oldest religions, soar on over to Godchecker to start communing with the Gods.

M. xo

Website Source:

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Categories: Religion Tags: ,

God Hates…. Shrimp?!?

March 5th, 2013 No comments

churchsignIn one of my classes we’ve been examining what the Bible says about various hot button topics including homosexuality, abortion, capital punishment, and the environment.  Despite what many people on both sides of these debates say, the Bible doesn’t necessarily speak to many of these issues.  Various interpretations and translations over the years have skewed or taken these topics completely out of context.  Personally, I take issue with a literal or fundamental view of the Bible – particularly when those adhering to such worldviews attempt to take away freedoms or oppress people based on these ancient writings.  That doesn’t mean that I can’t find value in Scripture, but it does mean that I don’t believe that laws should be based solely on Biblical interpretations.  We must be careful in how we give relevancy to the Bible.

In response to some of these groups (WBC comes to mind), parody sites have turned the table, so to speak.  One such site points out that you can’t pick and choose what is an abomination in order to satisfy some social agenda.  It’s either all, or nothing.  The God Hates Shrimp parody site provides a tongue-in-cheek look at two Biblical passages that suggest that God forbids the consumption of all shellfish, thus we are Divinely mandated to boycott any restaurant that is serving up these abominations.  Remove the bib, put down the claw cracker, and repent your sins.  And while you’re at it, wipe that butter off your chin…


M. xo

Images provided by: God Hates Shrimp




Categories: Religion Tags: , ,

What would the Bible look like in Lego? Like This!

September 13th, 2012 No comments

I’m always on the look out for fun and unique twists on the presentation of religious stories, myths and teachings.  The Brick Testament definitely falls into this category.  Here, you’ll find the stories of the Bible told through Lego.  The site even provides a rating system for those who may find the content of the Bible objectionable or not suitable for minors.  Ratings include ‘N’ for nudity, “V’ for violence, ‘S’ for sexual content, and ‘C’ for cursing.

Kudos to the Rev. Brendan Powell Smith for this very engaging and entertaining site.  Now swoop on over and check it out!  While you’re there, stop by The Brick Bible Shop to purchase greeting cards, books and posters.

The Brick Testament:

M. xo

Categories: Religion Tags: , ,

Kids Who Love Zeppelin! Hail to the Non-Beliebers!!!

June 7th, 2012 No comments

There is hope for the future… the future of Rock ‘n’ Roll!!!!!!

3 Year old sings Led Zeppelin!

Led Zeppelin Baby

Baby Headbanging to Some Led Zeppelin!!!

Kid Loves Led Zeppelin

M. xo

Categories: Society and Culture Tags: , ,

Comic Book Religion

April 15th, 2012 No comments

I’m always fascinated with the infinite ways in which religion is intertwined into pretty well any aspect of life — and indeed, afterlife. Recently, I stumbled across this curious Web site called, Comic Book Religion.  Over 25,000 comic book characters and their religious affiliation are available to browse.

I have to admit, that I know little about comics; however, I do surround myself with geeks, freaks and assorted fan boys/girls.  I’ve been exposed to comic books through one channel or another for my entire life.  Yet, I’d never really given thought to whether any of the heroes or villains I’d heard about had anything at all to do with anything remotely religious.

Now, with just a few clicks, I can find out that Spider-Man was Protestant; The Thing, Jewish; and Green Arrow an agnostic.  And now you can, too!

M. xo


Categories: Religion Tags: , ,

The Common (and not-so-common) Sense Etiquette of Public Transit

November 9th, 2011 No comments

A few months ago I became a regular public transit user. As is the case in many big cities, our buses are overcrowded and, at times, woefully behind schedule. In my few short months as a transit user, I’ve quickly adapted to the often uncomfortable conditions and I’ve learned a few things about public transit culture and etiquette.

Recently, there have been several videos surfacing showing some deplorable behaviour by the drivers employed to chauffeur the commuter masses in our nation’s capital. Commuter videos have captured cellphone use while driving, paperwork being completed while driving, and the most recent incident involving an expletive verbal assault on an autistic passenger. Clearly, these are some serious infractions that need to be investigated; however some of the public has been quick to vilify all bus drivers, and frankly I think this is just plain wrong.

Public transit drivers have a difficult job when they have to deal with hundreds, if not thousands of people on the move. It would behoove those who are quick to lash out at all drivers to remember that some passengers make their job even more difficult. While I don’t condone the aforementioned infractions, I think we all need to take a step back and look at what we as individuals can do to make public transit a more pleasant experience for everyone.

I’d like to suggest some common sense (and maybe some not-so-common sense) etiquette for passengers of public transit.

  1. Unless you’ve paid for two fares, you get only one seat. Sure, if the bus is empty feel free to put your bags on the seat next to you; however, be prepared to remove those bags as the seats fill up.

  3. Courtesy/Priority seating is meant for passengers that may have difficulties standing for long periods of time. If you’re occupying a seat near the front of the bus and someone gets on the bus that requires the use of the seat – MOVE! Nothing ruffles my feathers more than seeing a young, able-bodied passenger completely ignore this common courtesy.

  5. Be aware that odours you emit affect those around you. Whether it’s the lack of personal hygiene or the overabundance of perfumes and colognes, how you smell impacts other passengers. Maybe it results in mild discomfort due to your noxious odour, but for some it has far greater implications such as allergic reactions. Overcrowded transit results in crossing the boundaries of personal space, so be kind to those around you and tone down the perfume (and remember to brush those pearly whites before leaving the homestead).

  7. The buses and trains are not a garbage can. Question: Would you toss food on your floor at home? By the end of the day, most public transit vehicles look like the morning after a frat party. Seriously, folks – use a garbage can. Can’t find one? Then take the garbage off the bus with you and find a proper receptacle to put it in. Think it’s a harmless act? Not only do rolling juice bottles create a safety hazard on an over-capacity bus, but our taxes pay people to clean up after your mess.

  9. Don’t block the exits. Yes, it’s pretty difficult not to block an exit on an overcrowded bus, so have some common sense to move when the bus stops so that departing passengers can exit quickly. This is not only courteous; it helps to keep transit on schedule.

  11. Turn down the volume. I’m less concerned about that fact that your hearing is going to be completely shot by the time you are forty, than I am by the fact that I’m subjected to the siren calls of Celine Dion at 7:30 in the morning. Enough said.

  13. Tone down the language and your voice. It’s completely unnecessary for me to be able to hear every word of the conversation at the front of the bus, when I’m sitting at the back of the bus. Furthermore, the use of colourful language isn’t necessary to get your point across. If you wouldn’t want your grandmother to hear you say those words, then don’t say them on the bus. Chances are someone else’s grandmother is on that bus, so extend the same courtesy you would to your own matriarch.

  15. Be respectful to other passengers and your driver. Think of all the behaviours you wouldn’t want perpetrated on you and then do the opposite. Don’t like the grumpy looks of most commuters? Try getting on the bus in a pleasant mood and smile when someone makes eye contact. Be polite. It goes a long way to establishing a pleasant commute.

  17. Don’t distract the driver. This means stay behind the designated line so as not to obstruct the driver’s view and try to avoid unnecessary conversation with the operator of the 12 tonne metal box on wheels you’re riding in. Transit operators are professional drivers, but a distraction at the wrong time can have fatal consequences.

  19. Thank your driver. Sure there are a few bad apples in the bunch, but the majority of drivers are professional, conscientious, and polite. Transit operators are providing a service that is invaluable to your city. Sure, it might not have been the most pleasant ride, but drivers have a lot of distractions to deal with, including those both inside and outside their vehicles. Distractions that they often don’t have control over. While you are in their vehicle, your life is in their hands. So, take a moment and thank them for getting you safely to your destination.

I’m sure there will be dissenters out there who will insist I must be in cahoots with some transit union (or married to a bus operator). Fact is – I’m not. I’m just a gal who commutes, and who has observed some very unbecoming behaviour of passengers – and, yes, some drivers. Given the recent onslaught of media coverage concerning drivers’ behaviours, and the subsequent backlash from the public – I’d like to encourage every transit user to take a moment and evaluate their own behaviour before they start pointing fingers to the operator behind the wheel. If we learn to be better passengers, we’re bound to encourage better drivers.

M. xo

Categories: Society and Culture Tags: ,

Social media and your final send off…

August 14th, 2011 No comments

Social media is here to stay and as such it’s little wonder that sites are cropping up with inventive new angles to this trend.  A site I’ve been pecking through lately is an interesting and dark twist on the social media craze. is a “social media site that will help you create and document your own final wishes for your own personal funeral sendoff”.  That’s right, now you can digitally document your final wishes and send them to six of your chosen family or friends so that when the time comes they’ll have all the details of your last hurrah.

Additionally, the site offers intriguing – albeit dark and a bit morbid – posts of stories and photos of the funerary variety.  There’s the post about the mourning photography museum , which offers visitors a visual pictorial of mourning and funeral rites of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.  Another post discusses the Scottish legend about a dog who sat loyally beside his master’s grave for over a decade.  The site also offers more practical information, such as funeral terminology and funeral products.

If you’ve got questions about the business of death, wish to document your final wishes using the latest trend, or are just darkly curious – then perch yourself on over at .



Categories: Society and Culture Tags: ,

Religion as commodity

May 14th, 2011 No comments

I’ve been wanting to write this post for a while, so I’m glad that I’ve started writing it now – even though I’m not sure if it’ll be published sooner rather than later. It was a trip to the grocery store that bore the seeds of this post. In particular, a meander through the organic and health foods aisle that popped up this gem of a cereal:


I’ll be honest – I was very amused (hence, why I got out my phone and snapped this pic). And yet, a part of me felt that perhaps it was going a bit too far. Clearly, this cereal was targeting a very specific market. I found it curious, because by displaying this blatantly religious tone on their packaging, they were alienating a large percentage of the market. Surely, atheists, agnostics and other “free-thinkers” were just as likely to want to eat healthy as the “People of the Book”. With so many of these whole-grain, organic cereals on the market, you’d think a business wouldn’t want to alienate consumers. Perhaps, that isn’t the point though. Maybe the company has some corporate policy to provide products to a specific demographic, regardless of the effect on the bottom line (a refreshing change, indeed).

But, I digress from the point of my post…

Question: If the sacred becomes commodified, does it then fall into the realm of the profane? Religion has surely become big business and it appears that the commodification of religion is being widely accepted and even propagated. Take, for example, a line of t-shirts that combines edgy humour with religious themes.

I’ve seen these shirts worn by both extremely religious and anti-religious folks alike. So, what message is that sending? Are these items meant to attack the sacred or are they intended to revere it? Perhaps it has more to do with the idea that pretty well anything can be turned into a product for mass consumption. I’m sure some of you would agree that mass production isn’t necessarily a good thing.

Another thought – is it considered idolatrous to consume these products (strictly speaking to the religious)? Surely there will be those religious adherents that find products such as these blasphemous; however, there is another segment of religious adherents that would likely deem these products as harmless – perhaps even an homage to their faiths.

For now, I’m left thinking that the great prophets of “the Book” probably would have regarded any attempt to commodify the sacred as counter to the values of their faiths. It seems to me that once the sacred enters the realm of the profane, then it becomes regarded as ordinary. Maybe – just maybe – the commodification of religion is a reflection of our society, suggesting that the sacred may be just another average, ordinary part of our humdrum lives.

M. xo

Categories: Religion Tags: , , ,

The Rapture Index

February 18th, 2011 No comments

Wondering how soon the rapture might occur? Need help in identifying that the end times may be upon us? The Rapture Index is the self-proclaimed “prophetic speedometer of end-time activity”. Forty-five components make up the index, each scored according to an activity level. There’s the usual end-times activities you’d expect: plagues, droughts, and satanism (apparently downgraded due to lack of activity). Less expected are categories such as climate and oil supply/price. For the unenlightened, be sure to check out the THE RAPTURE INDEX CATEGORIES EXPLAINED.

Categories: Religion Tags: ,