Holy Daze: Sukkot (September 30th, 2012 – October 7th, 2012) – Judaism

Etrog, silver etrog box and lulav, used on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot
Sukkot is an annual week-long harvest festival that follows the solemn holiday of Yom Kippur. It is sometimes referred to as the Feast of Booths. Historically, it commemorates the years that the Israelites wandered the desert following the revelation at Mount Sinai. Sukkahs, or huts, are traditionally built during this holiday to represent the temporary shelters the Israelites used. These huts are also believed to represent pre-biblical times when ancient farmers would construct these during harvest to protect their crops.
Typical rituals during Sukkot include the eating of meals in the sukkah, and for some, sleeping in the sukkah. Construction of the sukkah is very specific so as to allow for certain elements, such as a view of the stars. Another, traditional observance is called the Taking of the Four Kinds. A blessing is recited, while holding and shaking four specific species of plants consisting of palm, myrtle, willow (lulav) and citron (etrog).
For more in-depth information, check out the videos below. My Jewish Learning presents two fun and informative videos. The first video, entitled Sukkah City, will inform you in a hip, urban style on the construction and nature of a sukkah. The second video follows Heshy Fried aka Frum Satire around Hasidic Brooklyn as he tries to find out what makes for the perfect etrog (and he also reveals the astonishing price paid for these sacred fruits). Finally, Maoz Israel presents a more serious look at the sacred meaning behind this important Jewish holiday.
M. xo
What is a Sukkah?
Buying a Lulav and Etrog for Sukkot
Sukkot in Israel
Image Source: Wikimedia